Debut album looms for Grace

Chichester-born singer-songwriter Grace Monroe heads towards her debut album this autumn off the back of two successful singles.

Grace, who was born and brought up in Chichester until the family moved to West Chiltington when she was ten, was a pupil at Seaford College before moving to London a couple of years ago to be closer to her key gig venues and the studio where she was recording the album. The first single was Paper Heart and next came Capital Love – all heading towards the debut album release, The Truth About Love, later this year.

“The Truth About Love talks about the journey and not the destination, the mundane with the extraordinary, the love, the lust and the downfall. Nothing worth having is ever easy and very often some things are better left unsaid.”

That’s why, Grace says, she wants to say it all.

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“I am one of those people that has always been around music,” she says. “My dad made me listen to a lot of the old-school music. That’s how it led to my influences being people like Shirley Bassey and Cilla Black. At the age of four, I wasn’t listening to the usual songs that a youngster would listen to. A lot of my influences were from the older generation.”

And she models herself on those kinds of singers to an extent: “It’s just the melodies and the song-writing… I don’t think there is a lot of that around in the current music. I am excited by people now, but this was more romantic, just the sound of it, a lot of brass and so on. I love contemporary artists that try to fit into new music that kind of writing that I grew up with.

“All the songs I write myself along with the producers. I think it comes quite naturally to me. I write about my own experiences, like a lot of song-writers do. I don’t approach things I don’t know about. I tend to stick to the things I know. I think you can hear it when people are singing about things they haven’t experienced. I talk a lot about experiences I have had with friends and family and also about my first experiences of love. I think I do things in quite a traditional way, not so much about the social media which I know these days is the biggest medium. I like to do things quite old-fashioned. I could have done The X Factor or The Voice, but I want to build up the traditional way with gigging and experience.”

Paper Heart comes from the forthcoming album: “It is going to sound really cheesy, but it was about my first love experience. It’s come on the back of being very young and being in love and almost losing yourself in that process and trying to mould yourself into what the other person wants. I know that sounds very Adele-y! But I am still very good friends with (the ex-boyfriend). I did ask his permission to talk about him!” The next single Capital Love moved things on again: “I am 25 now. It’s about my current love. I am settling down… and the fact I am getting on a bit! But it’s about being with him and that feeling and that love and that excitement and about still being young, just about love in general…” Paper Heart is available for download from all major platforms.

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