COUNTY NEWS: Clown incident at Sussex beautyspot

Clown at Beachy Head Road, Eastbourne SUS-161210-143328001Clown at Beachy Head Road, Eastbourne SUS-161210-143328001
Clown at Beachy Head Road, Eastbourne SUS-161210-143328001
As police continue to investigate several incidents of clowns frightening people in Sussex, a motorist came across a person dressed as a clown standing in the middle of the road at a beautyspot last night (Tuesday).

The motorist took a photo of the individual in Beachy Head Road and it has appeared on a new Facebook group called Clowns Eastbourne, set up to report sightings and make people aware.

Also on the group page are details of an incident in Hailsham when an elderly man was found on the floor in the street after being frightened by a clown and the report at the weekend when a 76-year-old woman saw a clown peering in through her window.

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