Dangerous motorist recorded driving at 115mph in 40mph zone near Chelwood Gate is disqualified

The driver was recorded speeding at 115mph in a 40mph zoneThe driver was recorded speeding at 115mph in a 40mph zone
The driver was recorded speeding at 115mph in a 40mph zone
A dangerous driver has been disqualified after he was recorded travelling at 115mph in a 40mph zone.

Police were conducting routine speed checks on the A275 at Chelwood Gate on 14 September 2020 when the incident occurred.

A spokesman said: “This was in response to community concerns about speeding and antisocial driving in the area, which is well used by other motorists, cyclists, horse riders and walkers, as well as a large variety of wildlife including deer.”

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Around 5.40pm that day, PC Phil Edwards, of the Sussex Roads Policing Unit (RPU), was dealing with a motorist while PC Richard Trundle, also from RPU, monitored other traffic.