Durrington treetop protesters celebrate second birthday

TREETOP protesters marked their two-year campaign to save Titnore Woods with a birthday party on the Town Hall steps on Saturday (May 24).

"Save Titnore Woods" protesters have been living in treehouses and shacks in the woods in Durrington since May 2006 to campaign against plans to build nearly 900 new homes on the land.

And to celebrate the birthday, around 40 of them arrived at the Town Hall, Chapel Road, with birthday cakes, party hats and banners - and some even climbed a nearby tree.

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Ella was there with her two children, Sola, four, and Esja, six. She said: "I am really excited the camp in the woods is still there after two years.

"We will do everything we can to keep the developers out. The woods are ancient."

Another campaigner, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "We decided to celebrate the birthday as we want people to know the fight is still going on."

The protesters' occupation of the woods was ruled illegal in August 2006 - but there have been no attempts made to move them on.

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