Fontwell author releases third book for youngsters

A FONTWELL children's author has launched her latest book.

The third instalment of Liss Norton’s Bluebell Woods series, Evie’s Secret Hideaway, went on sale on August 1.

The book, which follows Florence’s Birthday Wish and Honey’s Summer Ball, is aimed at girls aged between five and eight.

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Liss said: “The series is a set of children’s countryside stories about four animal friends, Florence, Honey, Evie and Natalie. Each book is set in a different season and sees the character have a different adventure.

“This book is all about Evie the squirrel who creates a den in a hollow tree.

“I came up with the idea after reading an article in The Guardian which said children don’t built dens any more. I had a den when I was younger and I asked a few of my friends if they had dens and they said yes, but none of their children or mine ever did.”