Graham Gubby's Christmas message

"Why should anybody want to read a Christmas message from a politician?

I doubt that many do really! If they do perhaps it's for one of a number of reasons ... just out of interest; nothing better to do; to see what they are going on about now that you don't agree with or perhaps because you read everything in the paper regardless ... maybe some read them to find something in common. I don't see this as strictly a Christmas message ... it is a message, and it is at Christmas time. But to me this is a very small, brief, special, once a year chance to pass on a very genuine and personal wish to the residents of Rother, their families and friends and visitors - good health, happiness and the freedom to enjoy the rich diversity of our lifestyles in peace and relative tranquillity.

That said, there will be many who are suffering much pain - their own or on behalf of relatives or friends.

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