Horsham teenager in poetry finals

A teenage poet from Horsham has been chosen as one of the top five entries in the country in a poetry competition.

Pip Crundwell, 15, submitted a poem as part of online supermarket Ocado’s ‘Poems for Peace’ campaign, in conjunction with non-profit organisaton Peace One Day.

Pip now has a chance to win an exclusive trip for her and her family to the Peace Day concert in The Hague, Netherlands, on Saturday September 21.

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Her poem was judged by the author of the Horrid Henry series, and schools literacy champion, Francesca Simon.

She said: “I was struck by Philippa’s battleground imagery in her poem about a war between siblings, and how misunderstanding and hostility creates a no-man’s land.

“I also liked her thoughts on how to cross that divide.”

The top five poems will be showcased on the Ocado Facebook page where people can vote for their favourite.

Pip’s poem is entitled ‘Peace One Day’ - see below to read the poem in full.

Peace One Day

When fragile words are spoken,

Then promises not kept,

Then someone may get broken,

And tears are often wept,

This is the massive void within,

The tender spot inside,

Where evil, hurtfulness and sin,

Have vandalised my pride,

So I set out to hurt you,

And cut you like a knife,