Leisure future is now in trust

LITTLEHAMPTON'S Windmill Entertainment Centre will have a more secure future under the control of the new trust taking over Arun District Council's leisure facilities.

That was the claim made by the trust this week, when the final hurdle was cleared for the transfer of the Windmill, Littlehampton Swimming and Sports Centre, Arun Leisure Centre and other sports sites to the organisation, which will trade as Inspire Leisure.

The trust has now been officially registered and the five shadow trustees have been confirmed as board members, to be joined shortly by up to seven more. The takeover should be completed by October 1.

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Vice-chairman John Norris, an East Preston businessman and former policeman, told the Gazette: "The Windmill is definitely more secure. It is an important part of local amenities as a cinema and theatre."

The Windmill's future has been uncertain for several years, since Arun announced it wanted to dispose of the cinema/theatre complex. The council's initial efforts to advertise the venue came to nothing, with no suitable organisation being found.

Then, two years ago, the Windmill was included in the list of leisure facilities Arun proposed to hive off as a way of saving the council 300,000 a year in VAT payments and business rates.

This week's confirmation of the trust's status signals a new future for the Windmill, the two sports centres and the other leisure sites.

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Mr Norris, who is artistic director of a theatre run by a charitable trust in Surrey, and is also involved with Brighton's community-based New Venture Theatre, has appeared on the stage at the Windmill with the Stage Door company.

He hoped that facilities could be further improved at the venue, although that would depend on the resources available to the trust.

Arun cabinet member for leisure, Richard Wilby, said: "I wouldn't have been happy for the Windmill to be transferred if I didn't think that there was a brighter future for it.

It was difficult to sustain it within the council's budget."

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