North Horsham planning application finally submitted

North Horsham masterplan released by Liberty on August 1 2016North Horsham masterplan released by Liberty on August 1 2016
North Horsham masterplan released by Liberty on August 1 2016
Long-awaiting plans for thousands of homes at North Horsham have finally been submitted.

Liberty Property Trust has lodged an outline planning application with Horsham District Council for up to 2,750 homes, a new 46,000 square metre business park, two primary schools, land and a financial contribution for a secondary school, community centre, open space, health facilities, allotments and infrastructure on land north of the A264.

The proposals have proved hugely controversial since they were exclusively revealed by the County Times back in January 2012, with vocal opposition from residents, campaign groups, and district councillors.

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However after several attempts to block proposals the strategic site was included in the Horsham District Planning Framework, which was finally agreed by HDC last November.

Andrew Blevins, managing director at Liberty, said: “We’re delighted to have submitted our planning application. We said last year that we were going to get the application right and that is exactly what we’ve done.”

He explained that the final planning application followed months of technical work and discussions with HDC.

Mr Blevins said that a secondary school was seen as a priority by West Sussex County Council and if the planning application is approved a new ‘Free School’ could open by 2020.