HEALTH AND CARE: Changes to help fund frontline care

Some products can be purchased over the counter at a lower cost than that which would be incurred by the NHSSome products can be purchased over the counter at a lower cost than that which would be incurred by the NHS
Some products can be purchased over the counter at a lower cost than that which would be incurred by the NHS
NHS England has today published guidance to free up to almost £100million for frontline care each year by curbing prescriptions for '˜over-the-counter' medicines.

Making this change and curbing routine prescribing for minor, short-term conditions, many of which will cure themselves or cause no long term effect on health, will free up NHS funds for frontline care.

It is important to say this will not affect the prescribing of over-the-counter items for longer term or more complex conditions or where minor illnesses are symptomatic or a side effect of something more serious.

Each year the NHS nationally spends:

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