Tom Flint: A fragrant world of fascinating cuppas

Beautiful white teas with rose at Bluebird Tea Co SUS-161213-102952001Beautiful white teas with rose at Bluebird Tea Co SUS-161213-102952001
Beautiful white teas with rose at Bluebird Tea Co SUS-161213-102952001
Everything in life can be made a little better with a decent cup of tea. This has been the mantra of us Brits for time immemorial and it has served us well. It is not going to solve your financial worries or sort out your latest relationship crisis but it will make you feel a little better and give you a moment to stop and reflect on the mess that is your life.

Creating the perfect cup of tea is an extremely contentious issue; and you will not be surprised to hear that I am very particular about how my tea is made. I don’t profess to being a tea connoisseur, Yorkshire Tea all the way for me, but there are some people who take their tea very seriously. I visited Bluebird Tea Co in Brighton for one of their tea mixology workshops to find out just how serious tea can be.

They are a tea mixology business, a term that most will be more familiar with in the cocktail world, who look to create bespoke tea blends. This means you will not find your standard builders tea at Bluebird, although they have got their own version of this, and will instead discover a world of teas containing anything from rose petals through to chocolate and caramel.

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