Panto time at town council

THE attendance of so many at the public meeting called by East Beach Residents’ Association amplified the dissatisfaction of Littlehampton residents with Arun District Council’s attitude towards the town’s main cultural and leisure facilities, which was also voiced at the last full meeting of Littlehampton Town Council.

What a pantomime it was at the town council meeting! First we heard which of Littlehampton’s “Crown Jewels” the Conservative majority group on Arun wants to sell off to developers. According to the Audit Commission, Arun has reserves of some £31m, yet will not fund proper maintenance and improvements to Littlehampton Swimming and Sports Centre or the Windmill Entertainment Centre. It’s a case of déjà vu, as The Regis Centre in Bognor was progressively under-maintained and then disposed of because it was too costly to repair.

Then we heard that the Conservative majority group on Littlehampton Town Council had decided in the name of political expediency to reverse its policy of wanting to split up the Town Show, following considerable pressure by the community. People power caused a change of heart in this case, as well as precipitating splits and resignations among the Conservatives. Unfortunately, there will have to be a by-election following the resignation of Roy Scrivener, who was elected only last December, the second Tory resignation within a year to cost us council tax payers another £6,000 for a by-election in River ward.

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Gauging from the feeling of those in the public gallery, there seems to be considerable anger at the way the Conservative administrations at both Arun and the town council attempt to ride roughshod over the views of townspeople.

Nick Wiltshire,


Bognor Regis and Littlehampton Liberal Democrats

Kendal Close,