Sweet sixteen birthday-bash raises over £1,000 in memory of three special friends

Bethany Lickiss and Will EmeryBethany Lickiss and Will Emery
Bethany Lickiss and Will Emery
On the evening of 8th February a very special concert took place in The Barn in The Causeway, Horsham.

It was in memory of three inspiring people, Valerie Newman, Paul Jinks and Laura Skuce.

The memorial concert was the brainchild of local sixteen year old Millais School girl Bethany Lickiss. Bethany, who sings with St Mary’s Church Choir and Glyndebourne Youth Opera, decided on the special event instead of having a birthday party. She said,

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“On my birthday in February last year I lost a good friend in Paul Jinks, who was, with me, a choir member at St Mary’s Church. This was the second tragic event for our choir having lost Val Newman, a consultant anaesthetist at East Surrey and Crawley Hospitals just a short while before.

Bethany LickissBethany Lickiss
Bethany Lickiss

“Since then our lovely Kairos music leader, Laura Skuce, a professional musician, singer, songwriter and tutor, also died very young leaving three children. I wanted to pay tribute to them and make a difference to other people in their name.”

Bethany’s vision of a memorial concert seemed to be a fitting tribute to these three people who loved music, entertainment, life and fun.

They inspired her and they inspired a tremendous number of other people, both young and old. It was a truly fantastic community turn out. Over one hundred and twenty people crowded into The Barn where they were entertained by twenty two different acts.

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Many people hadn’t even known each other before the event but they’d come to support Bethany and to honour these very special people. Those who couldn’t make it sent donations, gifts for the raffle and offers of help.

Bethany’s older sister Rebekah sorted out the, ‘Just Giving websites’ and the publicity as well as performing brilliantly herself.

Also roped into performing were her parents Elizabeth and Michael and her cousin Esther.

Bethany herself opened the concert in a duet with Will Emery singing “Panis Angelicus” and she finished the concert by singing “Silver” by Armstrong Gibbs and “The Life I Never Led” by Menken and Slater.

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