Possible Asian hornet sighting in Bognor Regis under investigation

A warning has been issued to the public after an unconfirmed sighting of an Asian hornet in Bognor. Photo: PixabayA warning has been issued to the public after an unconfirmed sighting of an Asian hornet in Bognor. Photo: Pixabay
A warning has been issued to the public after an unconfirmed sighting of an Asian hornet in Bognor. Photo: Pixabay
A warning has been issued to the public after an unconfirmed sighting of an Asian hornet in Bognor Regis.

Despite the sighting being back in spring, Melvyn Essen, Asian hornet action team (AHAT) co-ordinator for West Sussex, said there was still a need to warn people to keep an eye out.

Mr Essen said a warning was necessary because an Asian hornet can kill honey bees and other prey insects. He said that although individual hornets pose 'no more threat than a wasp to us', Asian hornet nests 'should not be approached'.

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He said: "A lady found a primary nest in her garden and put it in her garden waste bin, alas the queen flew away.

"She did remember seeing yellow legs which the Asian hornet has, our native hornet has dark legs, the other possibility is it could have been a queen wasp.

"Unfortunately the possible sighting was in the spring and has just been brought to our attention when the lady saw some information about the Asian hornet."

Mr Essen emphasised the sighting was unconfirmed but said it was 'best to err on the side of caution'.

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"Two Asian hornet nests have been found and destroyed recently in the Christchurch Dorset area following a positive sighting by a member of the public," he added.