Student survives fall

A LEWES student was plucked to safety after falling 150ft down the highest mountain in the United Kingdom.

Ian Brown, 21, spent five hours alone on the freezing slopes of 4,406ft high Ben Nevis in Scotland while his climbing friend scrambled down to seek help.

He was rescued just after 10pm on Sunday and taken by RAF helicopter to a hospital in Fort William where he was treated for a fractured vertebra and bruising.

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This week his mother Marie Brown of Mill Road said: 'He is still very shocked and we don't know very much about what happened.

'He is battered and they are keeping him in hospital for a few days before transferring him to a hospital either at his university town of Lancaster or back to Lewes.

'Needless to say, we are extremely relieved that he is relatively unhurt.

'Somebody up in heaven was watching over him.

'He only took up mountaineering seriously as a hobby 18 months ago. But he goes out every weekend and counts himself as experienced.

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