Water polo player inspires students at workshop

The Weald School recently welcomed Team GB water polo captain and Sky Sports Living for Sport Ambassador Craig Figes, who is working with some of our most talented athletes across the school.

Sky Sports Living for Sport is a nationwide initiative that uses sport stars and sport skills to promote valuable life skills to young people that help increase their confidence, self-esteem, engagement in, and attitudes to, learning, and improve their health and wellbeing.

The programme is based around the following ‘six keys to success’ - mental toughness, hunger to achieve, people skills, sports and life knowledge, breaking barriers and planning for success.

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Craig commented: “Sport had an amazing impact on my life and I believe that Sky Sports Living for Sport can inspire all young pupils to explore their dreams and talents and have a positive impact on their lives.

“It’s fantastic to be here, working with and inspiring such motivated and talented students.”

The workshop was organised by Mr Barry Meaney, who went on to say: “This is such a great opportunity for some of our most talented athletes to directly learn from Craig’s brilliant experiences and achievements including the London 2012 Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games 2002 Bronze Medal.