Here's why the 2021 census could be the last one England and Wales ever have to fill out

It's been revealed that the 2021 census could be the last that the public of England and Wales ever has to fill out.

The news comes as the country's leading statistician looks at ways of possibly replacing the once-in-a-decade survey with a cheaper and more effective option.

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Even though most people will be expected to complete their forms online, the price tag is almost the double the last census in 2011.

Professor Sir Ian Diamond, the UK's National Statistician, is reportedly exploring whether the data typically collected in the compulsory census could be gathered from other sources including the Ordnance Survey, GP registrations, council tax records and driving licences.

Here's everything you need to know about it:

Why would the census be stopped?

Next year's survey, which seeks to provide an accurate snapshot of society by asking the public questions about themselves, their household and home, is likely to cost close to £1bn, according to The Guardian.

"The major arguments made against the Census in its current form have broadly clustered around two main issues: high, and constantly rising costs; and the infrequency of data collection in an environment of accelerated demographic change," the NatCen Social Research institute said previously.

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However, the census is considered by demographers as the "gold standard" of population records.

Sir Ian has said he would only recommend replacing the next census if he finds a suitably "better" option.

"I will only make a recommendation to change the way we do things if we can replicate the richness of the census data," said Sir Ian, who took up the statistician role in October 2019.

Sir Ian said he would look at the evidence and give an opinion on the next census by 2023. It is ultimately for the Government to decide.

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