Piltdown Golf Club latest news

the best-dressed team in the Queens birthday scramble at Piltdown: l to r, Brenda Allvey, Sheila Horscroft and Judith Eggers.the best-dressed team in the Queens birthday scramble at Piltdown: l to r, Brenda Allvey, Sheila Horscroft and Judith Eggers.
the best-dressed team in the Queens birthday scramble at Piltdown: l to r, Brenda Allvey, Sheila Horscroft and Judith Eggers.
Congratulations to Jason Partridge, our popular professional, on winning the Sussex Professionals Spring Meeting at Cowdray Park '“ the first of the year's majors. Jason's score of 68 was two under par.

Piltdown men also had a triumph this week, a surprising one in the Sussex League of Gentlemen Golfers. It may be better not ask how to define a “gentleman”, but I can tell you that the SLOGG is designed for men aged over 55, and they play four-ball-better-ball matches against other member clubs at times when courses are at their least busy. The league scoring system would interest a rocket scientist but not Piltdown GC, who in the three years of SLOGG’s life have not won a single match – until last week when they beat Ifield by four-and-a-half matches to one-and-a-half.

Ifield suffered again at our hands when our Birchwood Group team beat them 3-2 on their course, a great result rewarded with an away match at Selsey in the next round. (The Birchwood, I gather, is a county-wide knock-out tournament for men with handicaps between 6 and 18.)

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The competition for the Spring Trophy was played on Wednesday, and Tony Lake won it with 41 points, a happy success for a rapidly improving player. Chris Strong was second on 39 and Peter Newson and Dennis White tied for third, both on 38. Peter Dray won the Blue Tee Trophy.

Piltdown Ladies celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday by playing a Texas Scramble patriotically and vividly dressed. The photo shows the team who won the prize (for appearance, not golf).

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